In recent years, storytelling has become a commonly used marketing strategy, so much so that it is being adopted both by companies eager to make a name for themselves and by companies wishing to improve their positioning in their target sector. The objective of the strategy?
Arousing emotions in existing or potential customers. It is not incorrect to define storytelling as the art of telling stories by capturing the interest of the audience.
We at Studio Concept have been a marketing agency specialising in the cosmetics industry for over 20 years. We are constantly involved in creating numerous marketing contents for cosmetic website blogs. Among the strategies used to grow corporate websites we include brand storytelling, which always forms the basis of every project.
What does it mean and what is brand storytelling?
The word “storytelling” originates from the union of the terms “story” and “telling”, taking on the meaning of “telling a story”. It has the task of telling the brand by adopting different techniques. Attention must be paid to the fact that the way the story is told can lead to two opposite results: increasing the trust of customers (and obtaining it from those who have never previously purchased the brand’s products) or leading them to choose something else. Only by feeling involved in the story being told will the buyer be willing to support the brand.
Through what is told, the motivations, values, mission and vision of the company should emerge.
A true emotional connection must develop with customers. In practice, storytelling tells consumers why they should place their trust in a particular company.
Useful in this respect are testimonials, chosen from among real buyers. Their task will be to share their experience with the brand using videos or written content, published on the company website.
Not using models or other celebrities makes the contribution of testimonials appear more truthful.
If there is a true story at the origin of the brand idea, a real experience of the founder, for example, the storytelling is truly credible and full of potential. We are convinced that first and foremost it is the truth that must be told!
How to do brand storytelling?
To be effective, the strategy should first and foremost be engaging, interactive and sincere. The message conveyed should be clear and direct. Initially, it will be necessary to define the brand identity, to have precise ideas on the objectives to be achieved, to identify the target audience, to establish the tone of voice, the writing style and to be able to identify the protagonists of the story.
Then one can concentrate on the content, choosing what form to offer it in: text (articles and blog posts), visual, video or audio.
Equally useful is an impactful design. Promoting an aesthetically unattractive campaign means, in all likelihood, investing in a project that is doomed to failure.
The design of a brand storytelling should be appealing, i.e. intrigue the audience, and appear recognisable and identifying, representing the brand identity in the best possible way.
A final factor that should not be underestimated is the choice of channels. For the decision to be optimal, it is necessary to carefully assess the target audience. YouTube, for example, is recommended for companies wishing to create video content. Corporate blogs, for their part, lend themselves to hosting a series of themed stories, especially from a Seo and in-depth perspective. TikTok, finally, is able to intercept younger audiences. Having a community manager presiding over these channels could lead to even more satisfying results in terms of visibility and reputation.
Contact us and we'll help you create engaging storytelling for your product line.
Know your target audience
A factor to be taken into great consideration when structuring a brand storytelling strategy is that the object to be promoted, in this case, is not the product, but the story. And in order to create a memorable story that is destined to be “bought”, it is essential to know which audience you want to attract.
Among the most effective and popular methods of “doing” targeting, A/B testing deserves to be mentioned. Specifically, it sees companies preparing two versions of the same website, or some of its elements (from the landing page to the layout), to be sent to two different user groups.
Other methods are surveys, ad targeting and social media targeting. The methods just listed help to define the preferences and needs of the audience.
Insert characters into your story
For a story to be able to attract users, it must be able to infuse what is being told with personality, helping the audience to feel more and more involved.
And this is where the character comes into play, that element which is assigned the task of creating the link between story and audience. Only when the latter can identify with the character described can the strategy be considered successful.
The character can be a human, an animal or an object. Once you have chosen which type to go for, you will need to outline its traits (e.g. it can appear funny or sarcastic).
In storytelling, the most incisive figures are those of the leader, the scientist, the artist, the rebel, the mysterious character and the good parent… but these are just a few examples. It can also be something very different and the secret, for us as a communication agency serving the beauty world, is to work alongside the client, perceive their intentions, bring out their objectives and study a real communication and launch strategy, if it is for example a new cosmetics line.
Follow social media trends
One of the quickest ways to give visibility to storytelling is to make use of social media, which have now become an integral part of everyday life. A sufficiently captivating story will be able to engage a very wide audience.
Here again, it is possible to make use of the characters used in stories published on company blogs. It is necessary to implement the character in the posts, letting it illustrate the products, elaborate on their characteristics and provide tips on how to use them.
Brand awareness will benefit.
Contact us and we'll help you create engaging storytelling for your product line.
Even if you are good… get help
Surely there is no one better to dream up your cosmetics project than you. Behind a cosmetics project there may be a company that is planning to launch a new line or to remake and restyle an existing brand, or a more or less advanced start-up that has a creative idea and wants to develop it into a successful brand. Especially at an early stage, a discussion is necessary. We at Studio Concept are here to help.
Are you one of the many cosmetics companies thinking of creating their own product line? Are you ready to show the world your creativity and commitment to creating high-quality beauty products? Are you aware of the importance of marketing and communication in today’s competitive world?
To create a successful product line, it is essential to have a solid and well-structured marketing strategy. An effective marketing strategy will not only increase the awareness of your products, but also their perceived value to consumers.
We would like to help you create an engaging storytelling for your product line. Relying on a communication and marketing agency specialised in the cosmetics industry is the best way to get off on the right foot when creating your product line.
Don’t waste time and money trying to do everything yourself: rely on professionals for successful results!