Rebranding: How to revolutionise a Brand or Cosmetic Product?

Rebranding: How to revolutionise a Brand or Cosmetic Product? 900 900 Studio Concept S.r.l.

At Studio Concept we start by understanding the product, we capture it in still life to describe its evolution. Everything starts from observation, the rest is experience that becomes change.

What is cosmetic rebranding?

The market is dynamic, especially in beauty. Often the search for a new character is associated with the need for a change in direction, rebranding is a tool that offers several other opportunities.

Rebranding is a necessity dictated by the need to adapt the brand to the market, to broaden the target audience and to reorganise the overall image of services and products. Rebranding is adapting to change.

The key elements of an effective rebranding strategy

Everything starts from a defined line. Before acting, it is necessary to mark out the goal to be achieved. It starts with an analysis of the old brand, rebranding is effective when it updates but does not distort the product.

Market analysis is indispensable, this dictates the pace in the restyling of the offer. The target customer base must be clearly defined, the product lines must be adapted to it, and the style of communication must be adjusted. Restyling the brand means revolutionising one’s marketing plan.

Introducing a new visual identity

Analysis is important but the rest is in the creative genius. Changing the appearance of a brand means entrusting its concept to a renewed visual vocabulary, which also serves to make its offer more appealing.

Attention must be captured but above all cultivated, the creation of a new visual identity must therefore serve to dictate the graphic path of renewal. From packaging to product lines, via brochures and displays, every element must adhere to the renewed visual strategy.

Packaging change in cosmetic rebranding

There is a lot on offer in cosmetics and above all variety, which is why packaging must also be the result of an image-conscious strategy. Change is not always synonymous with improvement, which is why do-it-yourself rebranding is never a good idea.

Utility and eye-catching fantasy are the ingredients in packaging design, but in rebranding one must add a common thread that does not distort the product. Designing graphics and thinking about new materials are the essential steps for renewed packaging.

Embracing new trends: sustainability and customisation

Cosmetics finally realises the need for a clear change, the next generation is demanding it. Here, rebranding can coincide with a commitment to renew the footprint of one’s cosmetic lines: green is no longer a trend, it is pure necessity.

The redesigning of lines can therefore place a new focus on sustainability, and this can come through the use of natural materials and reformulation in product types. The occasion may be ideal to imprint a mark that is indeed personal but finally different from the chorus.

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Redefining brand identity and positioning

Brand renewal can be an opportunity to review one’s brand orientation, market developments lead to a progressive adaptation of the offer. It is therefore natural that the old brand no longer coincides with the brand mission.

An incisive rebranding may be necessary when the aim is to adapt the brand to the evolution of one’s business. This is a well-known need in various fields but is also more common in modern cosmetics. One example is the green revolution, it changes the outlook completely.

Target audience: keep the same or change?

Quality branding must always be oriented in the direction of the audience: this is the prerequisite for an effective offer. There are cases where target variation is a necessary step.

The launch of new ranges may address an audience that is not aligned with the brand’s traditional audience, in other cases there is a need to change the target audience to revive sales. In any case, rebranding is a strategic step.

Rebranding successful beauty products without changing the brand name

Some cases have set the standard; renewing the brand has not always been the most successful idea. It is precisely from the experiences in the market that we draw the indication for a strategic but above all well-modulated renewal.

The rule is very clear: the product that works must not change its name. You can, however, change everything else; this is where the game of rebranding is played, updating but without distorting the true nature of the product. The risk is to no longer be found by those looking for us.

Create your marketing plan for the new launch

Communication is a game of strategy, we at Studio Concept believe in preparing solutions. This is where our approach to rebranding comes from, to revolutionise but to infuse a renewed lymph.

Reorganising the web image, designing packaging in step with requirements and organising a graphic design aligned with the new product concept: these are the steps of an improving rebranding.

At Studio Concept we strive to turn every challenge into an opportunity for growth and innovation. We start with a deep understanding of the product, capturing its essence through still life photography, and then outline a path of evolution that results in tangible and measurable change. Our approach is based on careful observation and experience, elements that allow us to anticipate trends and dynamically adapt to market needs.

In the context of cosmetic rebranding, we illustrated how this tool is not just a response to a need for change, but a strategic lever to expand the audience and strengthen the brand image.

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