360° photography for cosmetics: how to do it and what advantages it offers

360° photography for cosmetics: how to do it and what advantages it offers 900 900 Studio Concept S.r.l.

Everything starts with still life, increasing the angles multiplies its effectiveness. At Studio Concept we believe in innovations, just add the right expertise.

What is 360° photography for cosmetic products

The sales approach becomes more and more interactive, the customer tends to replace the feel from the physical product with the feed from its virtual reconstruction. This is where the full-round product photo comes in, the still life evolves to portray the entire cosmetic.

Technically, the machine rotates around the centre. The more the angles, the smoother the 360° image flow. The established practice is one shot every 10° of rotation, reducing the frames makes the content less usable and therefore of negligible appeal.

From packaging to textures, the 360° solution offers an extra tool to turn navigation into an immersive experience. There is one detail that distinguishes 360° photography: it rotates on a single axis, usually the horizontal one. By involving several axes, we move to 3D.

Advantages of 360° photography for cosmetic brands

Customer engagement proves to be one of the main reasons. Whether via social channels or search engines, the target audience increasingly lands on online stores, especially when it comes to cosmetics. Every third visitor becomes a customer.

Although without physical contact, the 360° photography provides an immersive feeling. The user regains control of the cosmetic, he can rotate and zoom in so as to simulate the evaluation of the product in the physical store. The purchase becomes more conscious, thus reducing the return rate of goods.

Presenting the cosmetic in detail means selling the truth of the product, this is an element that convinces the buyer more strongly. The method originates from the B2B sphere, but its effectiveness has proven itself in online cosmetics stores. The customer appreciates it and the increase in sales confirms this.

3D product photographs for cosmetics – Studio Conceptsnc

Although still life is our first love, sometimes the customer needs a 3D product reconstruction. One case is when the cosmetics company needs to present the prototype without having the full sample available. Here virtual rendering can make the difference.

As different as it is from still life at 360°, the spasmodic attention to post-production allows us to reach levels enviable to the real thing. A lot depends on the choice of software, but just as much depends on on-set experience, which is why the right adjustment can restore the feel of the real thing.

Reconstructing in 3D allows for an interpretation of the product beyond the simple horizontal axis, the user can then enjoy the image in a more complete way. Here, quality controls have their weight, every single frame must represent the same brand care. Three-dimensional graphics are at the service of cosmetics that count, that is our signature.

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How to make 360° photographs for cosmetic products

Quality is instrumental for conversions but is also appreciated by search engines, SEO is particularly sensitive to 360° photographs, especially if these are easily accessible. Having the right equipment is therefore essential: powerful lights but also a camera with an accurate sensor and a 24-105 mm lens are prerequisites.

The cosmetic is placed on a rotating stand, it is good to have versatile equipment so that it can be used on several objects. While a simple lipstick can be captured, the photo in the round can represent the packaging in every detail.

The number of frames can vary from 24 to 72, the ideal compromise reduces the weight of the file but does not sacrifice fluidity in the enjoyment of the content. Post-production must consider the type of player and compatibility with publishing web formats. The product arrives if it is viewable.

Types of 3D product photos for your e-commerce

While 360° differs from 3D in the absence of the double axis of rotation, three-dimensional photography can sometimes be more articulated. An example is multi-row 3D, the image is presented in several horizontal planes that are organised in rows. The result is a 180° vertical and 360° horizontal rotation.

Full 3D is the one that opens up three hundred and sixty degrees rotation on the two axes. The photorealistic solution tends to be heavy in terms of file size, and the detail makes the type less suitable for presentations in the beauty and e-commerce sector.

Virtual product demos are particularly useful for online cosmetics. The user can make use of the details, the INCI for example, so as to have an extra tool for choice. Scrolling through time-lapse animations allows the user to discover the cosmetic but also its packaging. The implementation is more demanding but the investment offers a good return.

360° photography for cosmetic products proves to be a revolutionary technique that transforms the way consumers interact with products online. Through detailed and immersive presentation, this methodology not only elevates the user experience but also strengthens the bond between brand and consumer, making the purchasing process more intuitive and satisfying.

The ability to explore every aspect of the product from different angles provides unprecedented transparency, fuelling trust and reducing the uncertainty that often accompanies online shopping.

For cosmetics brands, investing in 360° photography means not only responding to the needs of an increasingly digital market but also anticipating its evolutions, ensuring a competitive and dynamic presence in the e-commerce landscape.

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