Neuromarketing applied to beauty products: how does it work?

Neuromarketing applied to beauty products: how does it work? 900 900 Studio Concept S.r.l.

From the still life of a cosmetic product to the physiological study of customer reactions, communication in beauty is increasingly a science. At Studio Concept, we believe in the power of ideas.

What is neuromarketing and how does it apply to the beauty sector?

Certainly, USD 863 billion is an impressive figure: that is the volume estimate for the beauty industry in 2024 alone. The hunt for a slice of the market does not exclude blows, nor does it exclude the use of neuroscience.

This is the usefulness of neuromarketing, the scientific branch engaged in decoding the signals that the brain emits in connection with purchasing decisions. Analysing the stimuli means learning how to act and correct the shot through effective marketing.

Beauty and neuromarketing could be the two sides of the same coin as every stimulus causes reactions, these affect emotionality and can decide monetisation goals. From the point of sale to the choice of packaging, everything is connected to neuromarketing.

Neuromarketing techniques to study the consumer’s mind

The operating principle is based on measuring the response on the cerebral cortex and interpolating it with the subject’s physiological parameters; the stimulus constitutes the trigger from which the sample subject’s response is triggered.

Some studies have employed the fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) technique, but this is not the most popular route due to its high costs. Far more within reach of studies are EEG (electroencephalography) as well as eye-tracking evaluation.

Analyses of facial expression but also breathing and heart rate are other interesting parameters to study. Finally, there is the evaluation of electrodermal activity, this measures the galvanic activity of the skin. Correlating the measurements allows a complete evaluation of the subject’s response to the stimulus.

The importance of packaging: neuropackaging

The texture of a cosmetic is just as crucial as its effectiveness on application. Yet why is product quality not always the same as choice? Here, neuropackaging helps provide an answer.

Insiders are well aware of the different impact that arises in response to colours, a more in-depth study reveals how the shapes and textures of materials can also influence the choice of packaging that best convinces.

This gives rise to the need to attribute a reproducible measure in customer response to product presentation. This activity involves both qualitative and quantitative tests, attributing a score to packaging is indeed of paramount importance. Studying eye movement can make all the difference, resulting in the split-second snapshot that captures the interest.

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Neuromarketing and communication strategies

Even when opening one of many e-mails, only a few manage to capture attention more effectively than the others. Herein lies the difference between a professional approach and classic self-made communication, neuromarketing suggests.

The market is saturated, especially when the focus is on beauty communication. The use of neuroscience therefore gains in importance, this may be the only way to be sure of hitting the target.

It takes a moment to go off topic and even less to bore the potential customer. Graphic effectiveness and quality content are the ingredients that translate neuromarketing inputs into effective tools. Beauty speaks the language of emotions, so it conquers its place in the mind of the consumer.

How does neuromarketing improve the in-store experience?

It only takes a few moments to realise that a physical store does not work. Instinct or, rather, the application of neuroscience in the design phase guides the customer to the right place.

The scientific approach is certainly not limited to the arrangement of cosmetics in a perfumery, the purchaser also makes use of the olfactory and auditory channels. Here, an ambient fragrance can influence the perception of stimuli, as can the choice of background music.

Atmosphere is the secret salesperson that helps realise revenue, deciphering brain responses guides the choice of the most effective sales approach. You need to engage the customer in every sense, but this also applies in the online market.

Eye-catching cosmetics packaging by Studio Concept

The use of colours was one of the stimuli adopted in the Vitaminica campaign, here the brand aimed to confirm its brand strategy in the large-scale retail trade. Studio Concept’s approach opted for the use of incisive communication through effective visual tools.

Another example comes from the packaging developed for Bottega Verde, here the neuro-packaging approach helped to strengthen the bond between the brand and its customers. Sustainability and quality of natural ingredients are values that also stand out in the choice of colours and product graphics.

Capturing the customer’s attention means working on a packaging design that works; the result comes from the study behind it.

The fusion of art and science in the beauty sector is an increasingly palpable phenomenon, witnessed by the evolution of communication that extends from the still life of cosmetic products to the physiological analysis of consumer reactions. Studio Concept is at the forefront of this dynamic panorama, relying on the power of ideas and the application of innovative strategies such as neuromarketing to decipher consumers’ innermost desires.

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