Rebranding a Cosmetic Brand: How to Relaunch Successfully

Rebranding a Cosmetic Brand: How to Relaunch Successfully 900 900 Studio Concept S.r.l.

It all starts with the constant analysis of brand performance, establishing the right time to adapt serves to anticipate changes. Mistakes are not allowed: with more than 20 years of experience in the field of cosmetic marketing, Studio Concept knows the right direction to guide your brand to success over time.

Difference between updating one’s brand and rebranding

The cosmetics market is fluid, what was valid at the launch of the first line may not appeal to customers. Everything is fast and adapting one’s brand may not be enough, which is why brand upgrades should sometimes give way to a real rebranding. To use an analogy close to the world of beauty, upgrading the brand is equivalent to a facelift while rebranding is changing the face with real plastic surgery.

Updating your brand is part of strategic marketing, your brand is not distorted but simply adapted to the latest trends. When a brand has an effect, updating it means improving its performance. The company remains the same, it adapts its communication to the needs of the customer. It happens, unfortunately, that the brand does not work and the course of action can only proceed in the direction of rebranding. Systemic problems are analysed in order to make the changes that revolutionise the business model. The brand changes, the company too, so the resources needed are more important. With the right partner, it is worth it.

Why is it important to update your brand?

Consider the shift in the habits of the typical customer over the past five years, time revolutionises the approach to the brand and how it responds to needs. The stylistic choice of a brand, its language and offer are constantly balanced between brand awareness and market dynamics; the real compass is in brand equity, this indicates whether the direction taken is the right one. Upgrading starts with the constant monitoring of performance, the effective upgrade is the one that prevents a downward trend.

A breath of fresh air can positively “stir” your market, there is no doubt that the update brings with it a ‘buzz’ that gets people talking. Your customers notice the change, associate the latest slogan with the new logo and remember that you exist in the market. The most obvious effect is seen in the increase in sales, the market responds positively precisely because of the curiosity the update triggers. It is obvious that by updating a reality that is already working, the company has what it takes to capitalise on the renewed interest.

Contact us per avere maggiori informazioni e se vuoi condividere con noi il percorso di rilancio e riposizionamento del tuo brand cosmetico.

Identify new consumers

A brand that works is one that delivers a valid message because it has the ability to listen to the customer. Although classic surveys can always be considered effective, the evaluation must start from an even more in-depth socio-demographic study. A brand works when it succeeds in interpreting needs over time, the generations of Millennials and Centennials demonstrate very different needs from those that will belong to the Alphas: knowing how to listen means observing with the eyes of the beholder.

Theory is valid if it has clear practical implications, cosmetics itself is called upon to adapt more fluidly between genders, to the dynamics of a heterogeneous public in colours and cultures. Products evolve to meet new needs, brands are therefore called upon to accompany the change to affirm the underlying concept. It all starts with communication, clearly delineating the target audience means ensuring that the message gets through.

Update the look and feel of your brand

Underlying this is an understanding of how the brand is perceived by the public. Once the recipient of the message has been delineated, the study of the new concept must take centre stage. Redefining perspectives means getting to grips with the new identity from a graphic point of view. The world of cosmetics relies on the power of colours but declines them through shapes that enhance their effectiveness. The restyling starts with the products but is accompanied by the evolution of the brand.

This is not enough, renewing the brand identity also means revolutionising the packaging to make it adhere to the updated target. Slogans and branding respond with words to the new requirements, but must also be accompanied by more concrete upgrades. It is precisely this that creates a sense of expectation on the part of the public; innovation is something that is always greeted with particular curiosity. A renewed atmosphere brings new life when the brand works.

Raise the prices of cosmetic products if necessary

The current market revolution has led the economic landscape to change globally, the burden of inflation forcing new solutions to remain competitive in the market. The options sometimes can only go in the direction of higher prices. The public’s response does not always reflect the efforts made to ensure product quality, and sales suffer as a result.

The solution may lie in the brand upgrade, this can accompany the increase in sales prices by ensuring a softer effect. Increasing the cost leads to a reduction in sales quantity, coupled with the brand refresh can trigger the impression of a further gain in quality. A brand that is inclined to growth is perceived more favourably, even when this entails an upward adjustment of costs. The key lies in an effective study at the base, quality is rewarded as long as it is supported by effective communication.

Contact us per avere maggiori informazioni e se vuoi condividere con noi il percorso di rilancio e riposizionamento del tuo brand cosmetico.

Improve customer loyalty

Increasing sales prices does not simply mean increasing profits, a brand restyling must also pass through a reinvestment in virtuous advertising. Upgrades can have the effect of bringing new targets closer to one’s brand, but they work for real if they introduce ameliorative changes to regular customers. This must necessarily go through competitor analysis, the aim being to grasp the customer’s expectations and be ready with an offer that improves on the current offer.

Proposing a viable alternative is the effective way to accompany a renewed brand, cosmetics adapting to needs and responding to them through active stylistic research. Renewing does not mean distorting, however, as needs change but the solidity of the solutions cannot but remain a constant.

Leverage artificial intelligence to optimise your offer

Current statistics confirm that the customised approach is able to achieve a positive customer feed-back. The principle applies in full to the world of cosmetics, where needs rely on the ability to adapt customised solutions. The tools are diverse, particularly interesting is the assistance that artificial intelligence can provide regarding INCI. The AI explains and argues its contents, the customer appreciates the innovation in terms of transparency.

Then there is the more practical aspect in the search for matching solutions; digital assistants can help in the search for the most suitable shade. The double advantage lies in the collection of preferences from the public, offering valuable input for the development of new lines. Then there is the sales assistance, the customer can rely on automated paths to select the products that best meet their personal needs. The future is here and utilising the potential of AI, grasping its opportunities can only improve the performance of your brand.

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