Still life is not limited to indirect communication but is also a strategy at trade fairs. We at Studio Concept are on the side of cosmetic marketing that works.
Why participate in cosmetics fairs?
Being there is essential, branding is built through active participation. Insider meetings, in-depth discussions in the field, but above all linking activities are at the heart of it.
A wide audience means raising the visibility of the showcase, thus multiplying the sales potential. Then there is the more direct feed, interesting insights can arise from active interaction. To display is to gain strategic information, capable of orientation.
Meeting among competitors is not competing on conversions, the potential of trade fairs lies in having a place that encourages networking. Other brands are an incentive to grow, but they are also the best teachers.
What are the most important cosmetics fairs in Italy?
The direct collaboration with Esxence and Cosmoprof already says a lot about its centrality, the Milan Beauty Week colours the autumn with the latest in beauty.
The Beauty & Fitness Show is one of the reference appointments for the South. Roma International Estetica broadens horizons beyond Italian trends, and is therefore an excellent opportunity for growth and comparison.
The spring Cosmofarma projects Bologna at the centre of health and beauty, and the occasion is perfect for making connections in the parapharmaceutical and health sectors. Esteticamente in Fiera but also Cosmodonna are the other events to consider.
Strategic pre-show preparation
Brand success is built prior to participation in the exhibition event, the professional approach concedes little to chance. Event selection, space organisation and customer approach start with the studio.
How much does the single event affect conversions? How much does it generate an effective network? These are some of the questions that should be answered well before preparing the exhibition.
The answer is in the numbers, but also in the analysis of the audience; large turnouts are not enough if the brand is not akin to the target audience. Demographic analysis and organisation of growth strategies are the essential elements of effective preparation.
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Designing an effective stand: techniques and tips
Just as in product still life, so too the display setting has a form directly linked to the brand’s objectives. More or less technological, interactive or just projected towards the logic of the showcase, the space opens up different options for a design capable of aligning with strategies.
Layout can also have an impact on branding, the square one is among the most effective but proves to be rather challenging to manage. Shop and club options allow for a more controlled use of space. Display window, meeting corner but also food area, storage and reception are the must-have elements. Lighting and creativity do the rest.
Effective networking techniques during the event
Every new contact has value, networking is the most important element at trade fairs. Information is not always available to everyone, so creating strategic relationships can offer added value in the perspective of growth. Acquiring information on potential interlocutors is a small trick to enhance approach strategies.
Networking works when at its base is the correct management of the meeting, it is necessary to work incisively but never too aggressively. Then there is the time factor, the first meeting can be followed by a message within the next 24 hours. This strengthens the brand memory but also ensures a more direct link.
Trade fair lead generation strategies
Large numbers are one of the challenges for the useful collection of contacts. When the number of meetings becomes large, it is necessary to organise data collection effectively but not directly.
If the paper form is now a tool of the past, openness to digital materials can be accompanied by a contextual request for relevant data. The virtual channel proves to be more practical in collecting contacts.
Free samples, discount allocation and promotional channels are the most classic but equally effective tools. Each approach must be tailored to the target audience and without ever neglecting clarity in the handling of the data granted.
Catalogues and still life cosmetic photography
Fast but above all creative, visual communication is the approach that can make the difference. The game of attention is played out in just a few moments, here a professional still life can demonstrate its full value.
Every stand must be a reminder, working on the visual channel has the effectiveness of imprinting the brand in a stimulus that is easy to capture. It is therefore essential that the image represents the product, is aligned with the brand concept but does not leave out the creative potential.
The power of images lies in the way they communicate, an exact organisation in the photographic material conveys the right solidity of a brand you can trust.
Cosmetics trade fairs provide a unique opportunity to promote one’s brand, get in touch with potential customers and collaborators, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations.
Participating in these events increases brand visibility while also offering valuable networking and strategic intelligence gathering opportunities. We at Studio Concept are by your side to help you make the most of these opportunities, combining our experience in cosmetic marketing with creative and innovative solutions.