Combining still life with the dynamism of video, that is the challenge of cosmetic video marketing on the gigastore. We at Studio Concept add the right expertise to it.
What is a product video?
Summarising the qualities of the product is an important step, it needs to be done clearly but above all immediately. This is where the video description that illustrates the item for sale to the potential buyer comes in. The video is an interesting channel.
Shooting and editing cannot be random, video description is a tool adhering to precise rules. Framing details are strategic, special attention must be paid to definition as well as lighting. Every detail is important.
The product video is not spoken, subtitles better draw attention. The choice of background is important, it must push the branding but without ever affecting any royalties. The product video is a powerful tool; you need to know every aspect of it to make the most of it.
Why add a video to your Amazon product page?
The tool plays a strategic role when used in Bezos’ signature market. The first advantage is a better illustration of the product, the customer thus acquires a greater perception that helps in its evaluation.
Video drives brand growth, the audience gets to embrace the brand and count it among those to be considered. Every sale starts with awareness, the video presentation aims to achieve this in a captivating way.
Less obvious but absolutely powerful, the product video is an excellent contrivance for cross-selling. The product on sale can in fact be combined with others in the catalogue, the customer receives additional buying cues. Conversion rates confirm this as interest multiplies.
Effective video types for Amazon and how to upload them
Those summarising the peculiarities are the most direct way to present the product, the aim being to provide clear answers to the needs of the buyer. A clear approach is always appreciated.
Particularly related to the fields of fashion and beauty, the lifestyle cut gives the product the added value that comes from its use. More direct is the classic unboxing, here the product is explained to the potential buyer. Although simple, this type works a lot.
Then there are the comparison videos, these are only useful if certain precautions are taken. Not showing competitors and avoiding mentioning other brands are the basic rules. This is the useful video when one’s own product really does something extra.
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Advanced strategies: additional uses and functionalities of Video Builder
The conceptual video requires a professional eye, the product video is a creation that can support the Amazon platform but also any other sales channel. The tool is powerful but requires a larger investment.
Hence the opportunity that Amazon provides, the video creation tool allows brands to add product and lifestyle cues to still life shots. The generator processes the video.
Although more practical and decidedly low cost, the tool standardises the choice to the available themes and backgrounds. While this ensures adherence to the publication rules, the brand may not be sufficiently emphasised. Usage is simple, that counts.
How to create and optimise a sponsored video ad for Amazon
The length of the video is short, 45 seconds is also too long. The customer is looking for useful but quick answers, the content must remain concrete. No fading, the opening shot must be about the product.
Audio is perfect and video quality must take into account playback on multiple types of media. Outdoors or in the studio, the lighting must fully emphasise the product features. Infographics replace spoken description and are most effective when combined with sound effects.
Amazon does not endorse promotional information and any damaging and defamatory statements towards competitors. Adherence to the ToS is crucial, even the slightest error prevents the video from being published. Quality is the rule, it must be followed in both production and post-production.
Video Marketing and Photoshooting of cosmetic products
If the still life entrusts communication to the static image, the product video makes the exhibition even more dynamic and captivating. We at Studio Concept focus on the association of the two tools, one orienting and the other completing.
While Amazon requires adherence to precise standards, the product for other platforms can also range into other forms of expression. Voice can introduce the product lifestyle, accompanied by enveloping music and still life images. The emotional effect engages the viewer.
Cosmetics care about detail so video marketing can only show beauty in its essence. It is no coincidence that some creations are true icons of advertising expression. To design videos for Amazon is to combine video art with the dynamism of engagement, the customer grasps the value.
Creating videos for products on Amazon means enhancing your brand through images and narratives that capture attention and inspire trust. Whether cosmetics or other products, a well-crafted video combines technique and creativity, meeting platform standards and maximising sales impact.
At Studio Concept we are ready to help you tell your story, turning every shot into a successful tool for your business.