Natural Cosmetics Market in Italy: Market Size and Share Report

Natural Cosmetics Market in Italy: Market Size and Share Report 900 900 Studio Concept S.r.l.

The global market has been hit by the pandemic and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but despite these events with a strong social and economic impact, the cosmetics sector seems to be recovering.
At the end of 2022, the market value of personal care products will exceed 131 billion euros, a figure higher than that reached in recent years.

The national and international commitment is aimed at the recovery of the sector: in 2021, the cosmetics market proved to be reactive to government maneuvers. In particular, in Italy companies have faced price increases with resilience, investing thanks to the plans offered by the PNRR in research and development, training, sustainability, and the digital sector.

This positive attitude has proved successful and has led to an estimated growth of the sector of around 23% in the period 2021-2025.

Conceptsnc: we follow market trends

Are you a company that has decided to launch a new cosmetic brand or rebuild its brand identity? Our communication agency offers complete services for Marketing and Communication.

We at Studio Conceptsnc are attentive to market trends and we are interested in the trends of the cosmetic sector because we believe that only through continuous study we can have a general vision and, thus, help a company like yours implement a winning strategy.

Our proven experience in the cosmetics sector allows us to support many direct manufacturers of bulk, packaging, and finished products.

Yes, you read correctly: in addition to satisfying the needs of a brand, we are ready to find the ad hoc solution for other areas of the production process as well. We believe that these factors need the same attention as other elements of the marketing strategy you have chosen for your company.

If, for example, you are a cosmetics manufacturer and you mainly work on behalf of third parties for small or large brands, you cannot forget to take care of the image of your services. Maybe you find yourself in the situation of having to design cosmetic lines just to present your products to your customers originally and innovatively. We at also work on these projects and provide all our experience and creativity. An effective design is a decisive aspect in a competitive sector such as the cosmetics one, where brands compete with images of impact to draw the consumer to buy.

Telling a winning story through images and words allows you to reach the heart of the consumer and entice them to choose your product.

If you have an idea or would like to renew your brand image Contact us for personalized advice.

What is the purchasing behavior of cosmetics consumers?

In recent years, the cosmetics sector has undergone numerous changes, consistent with the attitude of customers, who have begun to invest more in their well-being, spending more on their beauty products.

Another aspect to be analyzed in depth is the awareness of the consumer, who before buying a good inquires about what he buys through social channels and online review platforms.
These actions can generate a change in purchases: the customer finds products through offline and online channels, preferring quality and incurring higher costs than in the past.
The modern consumer carefully selects their cosmetics, evaluating e-commerce and physical stores that guarantee the best value for money.

In Italy, for example, the main driver that pushes 1 out of 4 customers to purchase is quality, followed by the effectiveness of the cosmetic and the positive experience.
But these elements are not enough: two other important aspects for choosing a product are authority and brand awareness, which are therefore linked to the marketing strategy that the cosmetics manufacturing company has chosen to implement

The consumer who opts for online shops prefers channels that offer a wide range of beauty products at competitive prices and focuses on portals that give the possibility of accessing special offers and receiving fast, safe, and free shipping. Furthermore, the factors influencing purchasing behavior are mainly determined by the age and economic availability of the consumers: for example, a teenager and an adult will have different purchasing needs, both for the price and for the quality of the cosmetics themselves.

A further difference can be found in the customer’s gender variable, in fact, even if around 30% of the population prefers online shopping, it is women who opt for this solution more often. Consumer choices also greatly influence the strategies implemented by companies in the cosmetics sector, which is why companies in this area are improving some factors to positively address the changes in customer behavior in recent years.
For example, some brands have increased the number of orders and have decided to invest in their turnover and exports, to allow for a recovery in the sector. Still, others have created a range of eco-friendly products to approach a target that had always chosen other types of brands before that moment.

Cosmetics Italy report 2022

The cosmetics sector is booming and Italy is the fourth European producer and the ninth worldwide with an annual turnover of 11.9 billion dollars. If you consider other elements of the supply chain, such as packaging producers, the figures reach 16 billion dollars.

In Italy, the Cosmetics 2022 report – produced by 24 ORE Ricerche e Studi – provides information on national and international market trends

The focus on Italy notifies that in 2022 the cosmetics sector presents a 2.7% increase in turnover and the reason is linked to the end of the pandemic, a period in which consumption had changed considerably.
In fact, the frequent use of masks had led to an increase in the demand for eye makeup products and cosmetics capable of soothing and hydrating the chin and cheek areas.
These specific skincare products, i.e. the appearance of irritations and pimples due to prolonged use of the mask, were used during the lockdown and are still valid for a skincare routine, given the frequent use of medical devices in many environments. Similarly, hand care cosmetics – proven by alcohol-based sanitizers – had also led to increased consumer demand for these products.

In 2022, however, going back to work at the office more frequently has led to an increase in make-up and alcoholic cosmetics; another positive factor for the cosmetics sector is exports, which increased by 3%. E-commerce was the preferred channel for the purchase of skincare products by Italians, with an increase of 19.5% compared to the previous year.
Professional channels have also increased their sales: in 2022, the purchase in pharmacies, for example, increased by 2%.

Forecasts and beauty trends for 2023

The depth of field in still life photography is usually very short, as the lens is close to the subject: for this reason we always recommend macro lenses. Managing blur is all you need to take a short-field photo.
Particularly fashionable in the still life field is the Bokey effect, a technique that plans to blur even part of the main subject of the photo, and emphasize a single detail.

If you have an idea or would like to renew your brand image Contact us for personalized advice.

Lighting in still life photography

According to forecasts, in 2023 the beauty market should reach +3.3% in exports and many are curious to know next year’s beauty trends. The first ones who allow us to discover the latest news in the sector are the content creators who – through their light and friendly contents – tell their followers about skincare and body care trends.

Although beauty gurus provide us with significant information on 2023 trends, many forecasts are the result of personal opinions and information found on the web and therefore not always reliable.

Digital creator Marissa Spagnoli, cited by Allure for the 2022 makeup trends, says that next year’s trend will be dedicated to body care. Cosmetics companies will focus on these products to conquer a slice of the market that is still unexplored and less saturated, unlike the skincare sector.

The news dedicated to the body will concern the introduction of serums and exfoliants, but also of body masks, creams, and oils with sun protection.

Furthermore, another aspect that will change is the number of skincare products: cosmetic companies will promote a routine made up of multi-function items and steps consisting of a maximum of four steps.

A change of course that reflects the minimalist philosophy and attention to sustainability of consumers in 2023: precisely by virtue of this last aspect, the ingredients with which the cosmetics will be formulated will be so natural as to be edible.

Among next year’s trends, there will be gamification, a marketing technique that will significantly increase the engagement of the reference target: for example, the consumer will feel involved through the choice of the formulation of cosmetics, which will be personalized in the packaging. Just like last year, in 2023 e-commerce will be the main choice of Italians for the purchase of cosmetic products, with an 18% increase compared to 2022.

Do you want to create or renew your cosmetic line?

Studio Concept srl is a highly specialized communication agency in the world of beauty and cosmetics. Our strength is to provide a complete service altogether in the agency. Our work team has specific skills in the design and launch of new brands or new lines of cosmetics, product design, communication, art direction, and photography that we create directly in our studios. Studio Concept follows the customer from product design to its execution and final declination.

For the construction of a new cosmetic brand, or the restyling of a cosmetic line already on the market and in need of expansion or renewal, we follow a multi-level approach by bringing all our experience into play.

Brand identity, storytelling, creative project, communication, marketing strategy, launch strategy, packaging design, photo, and video content production, social strategy, social management, and web development.

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